About Me

Moffat, Scotland
The story of our Museum starts in 1984 when an imaginative group of local people set about establishing a Museum in the old Bakehouse. Since those early days it has flourished and though the collections have increased the area in which to display them can not. The space is limited. Additionally the delightful access through a cobbled pathway and stepped entrance is not friendly for visitors who have any difficulty walking. It has been possible through a generous bequest from an Australian member of the Moffat Clan to buy an adjacent building. We can now join these two buildings together and at a stroke both expand the display and storage areas and provide a new access from the main pavement. Work to create our new look Museum with all the palns for fresh projects which goes with it started in April/May 2012 and will continue till the end of the year. This BLOG or diary will record through simple text and pictures what we are doing as we are doing it. Please wish us well and come and see us in person when we are finished. In the meantime we will be happy to have your encouragement and any comments are very welcome.

Monday 19 November 2012


The National Museum of Scotland has approved the loan to Moffat Museum of the replica bow and arrow and the Ericstanebrae replica brooch in March in time for the hoped for re-opening of the refurbished Museum.  Terrific News!

Just showing you the fabulous brooch again!

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